The international art, music and culture festival, initiated by Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli eV (VcA) and FC Sankt Pauli in Hamburg, uses the language of art to convey art in water and the visitors* according to the motto Art Creates Water. to transform people and cultural workers into participants in processes of social change.
Every year, the Millerntor Stadium, a well-established institution in the heart of the city, becomes an open platform for dialogue and exchange, where a heterogeneous audience meets on a local, international and intercultural level. Artistic works of all genres meet a diverse music, cultural and educational program and show the various possibilities of participating in a positive socio-ecological change. Over 250 volunteer supporters, numerous international artists and cultural workers as well as around 17,000 visitors become actors in civil society.
Under the title of the 9th Millerntor Gallery "Water is a Human Right" , the vision of VcA is to be brought into focus. The constantly growing possibilities of globalization and digitality simplify economic, political, cultural and intellectual networks, but this potential also comes with a responsibility; a duty to look beyond national borders and promote a global humanism. Let's use our current possibilities of innovation, creativity and technology to fight for human rights worldwide!
Water is a resource and an element that connects everything that can be used as a symbol to establish a transnational, origin-neutral and merciless solidarity with all inhabitants of the globe. Various genres of art come together under this theme during the four days of the festival, each interpreting this year's theme in an individual way.
Viva con Agua Arts (VcAA) is a social business of VcA and specializes in making a non-material and/or financial contribution to VcA's worldwide projects by organizing art, culture and music events. To date, VcA has been able to give more than 3 million people access to clean drinking water.