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The team of VcA receives for the next galleries applications as well as proposals. Together with the whole team we are looking through the incoming applications and portfolios. Based on the concept and motto of this year’s gallery the artists will be chosen.

40 empty walls in the Millerntor stadium are waiting to be painted, and a lot of space calls for artists to play.

So far everything is possible: murals, installations, place to hang stuff, sculptures, video and other forms.

Also, workshops, performances and lectures will be hold and organized.  Since we are a social, transcultural gallery we are looking for diversity, to display as many genres as possible.  We are inviting artist from all over the world, as well as local artists. An equal balance between genders is meaningful to us, as well as to reach the global north and south.

We are happy to invite and welcome activist and artists from the countries VcA is cooperating in. In 2017 an artist-in-residence-program was founded.The process of selecting artist involves many factors, whereas we always want to find a balance.

If we are really enthusiastic and blown away from your work, we will ensure you a place at the next gallery. In the following you would have to create a concrete concept that elaborates on this year’s topic. If you already had been a part of the MILLERNTOR GALLERY in the previous years, you can just apply directly with your concept for this year gallery.


Since the stadium is an extraordinary place to display art, we are looking forward to hear many great ideas from the artists but also to recognize and follow their personal growth. We try to give as many artists as possible the chance to publish and create art in the stadium. We beam with joy when artist that have joined the gallery in previous years, have the motivation to follow more galleries and decide to stick with us. Because of that we have a special wall, the Art All-stars wall which displays the art of artist that supported and have been following the MILLERNTOR GALLERY for years.


We do not have a specific target group, regarding the art and the event-. Instead, we are supporting the diversity and enable you visitors that are interested in a societal change, an interaction as well as participation place/platform.

The most special thing about this festival is not only the place, the stadium itself, it also stands for the long live of the murals that will be there, till the next gallery. The FCSP therefore also plays a role, thus the morals need to fit with the magnitudes of the FCSP.


Another fact that we cannot forget to stress, is that through the MILLERNTOR GALLERY art will be sold. Only through this step, we can reach our goal: ART CREATES WATER!


We are excited to see you!

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The team of VcA receives for the next galleries applications as well as proposals. Together with the whole team we are looking through the incoming applications and portfolios. Based on the concept and motto of this year’s gallery the artists will be chosen.

40 empty walls in the Millerntor stadium are waiting to be painted, and a lot of space calls for artists to play.

So far everything is possible: murals, installations, place to hang stuff, sculptures, video and other forms.

Also, workshops, performances and lectures will be hold and organized.  Since we are a social, transcultural gallery we are looking for diversity, to display as many genres as possible.  We are inviting artist from all over the world, as well as local artists. An equal balance between genders is meaningful to us, as well as to reach the global north and south.

We are happy to invite and welcome activist and artists from the countries VcA is cooperating in. In 2017 an artist-in-residence-program was founded.The process of selecting artist involves many factors, whereas we always want to find a balance.

If we are really enthusiastic and blown away from your work, we will ensure you a place at the next gallery. In the following you would have to create a concrete concept that elaborates on this year’s topic. If you already had been a part of the MILLERNTOR GALLERY in the previous years, you can just apply directly with your concept for this year gallery.


Since the stadium is an extraordinary place to display art, we are looking forward to hear many great ideas from the artists but also to recognize and follow their personal growth. We try to give as many artists as possible the chance to publish and create art in the stadium. We beam with joy when artist that have joined the gallery in previous years, have the motivation to follow more galleries and decide to stick with us. Because of that we have a special wall, the Art All-stars wall which displays the art of artist that supported and have been following the MILLERNTOR GALLERY for years.


We do not have a specific target group, regarding the art and the event-. Instead, we are supporting the diversity and enable you visitors that are interested in a societal change, an interaction as well as participation place/platform.

The most special thing about this festival is not only the place, the stadium itself, it also stands for the long live of the murals that will be there, till the next gallery. The FCSP therefore also plays a role, thus the morals need to fit with the magnitudes of the FCSP.


Another fact that we cannot forget to stress, is that through the MILLERNTOR GALLERY art will be sold. Only through this step, we can reach our goal: ART CREATES WATER!


We are excited to see you!

Die Kulturbühne ist im Laufe der Jahre zu einer festen Institution des Festivals geworden. Es ist eine Bühne, ein Projekt, ein Raum, eine Zentrale, eine Plattform, wo Besucher*innen auf die Visionen und Ideen treffen, die Viva con Agua und die Millerntor Gallery ausmachen. Es ist der Ort, wo Aufenthalt auf Kultur und Bildung trifft und so Raum schafft für Vermittlung und Austausch unserer Vision: Wasser für Alle - Alle für Wasser.

Was bisher durch ein ehrenamtliches Team organisiert und auch kuratiert wurde, macht 2024 Platz für euch!


Im Rahmen der Millerntor Gallery #12 wollen wir wieder Kulturschaffenden die Möglichkeit geben, sich auf freie Bühnenzeiten zu bewerben. Ob es das Lesen deiner eigenen Texte, das Singen deiner Lieder oder auch das Sprechen deiner Witze ist – alles ist willkommen und trägt zum vielfältigen Kultur- und Bildungsprogramm der Millerntor Gallery #12 bei.


Schreib’ uns in einem kurzen Text, wer Du bist und wofür Du diese Zeit auf der Kulturbühne nutzen willst – gerne auch ein kleines Video (max. 1 Minute) dazu. Die Auswahl trifft das Kultur-Kollektiv der Millerntor Gallery, ein Team aus ehrenamtlich und hauptamtlich Engagierten aus dem Millerntor Gallery Kollektiv.


Bewerbungsschluss ist der 28. Februar.


  • Kurzes Konzept für deinen Bühnenslot auf der Kulturbühne unter Angabe deiner zeitlichen Verfügbarkeit im Festivalzeitraum (31.05.-02.06.2024)

  • Biografie für die Kommunikation

  • Pressefoto (min. 1070x1070px, 300 dpi) für die Kommunikation

  • Links zu deinen Socials für die Kommunikation

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Vom 31.05.-02.06.2024 bekommst du eine Stunde für deine Form von Kultur und Kunst – auf einer Bühne, vor vielen Besucher*innen und mit ganz viel Liebe von der MTG-Crew.

Bei Fragen, melde dich gerne bei Sophie Mehner (, T. +49 (0) 176 55923422).

Wir freuen uns auf Bewerbungen von Menschen aller Hintergründe, Geschlechter und Identitäten.

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