Carina Czasny

Suze Barrett
Titelbildgestalterin Der Spiegel
Kunsthistorikerin M.A.
Ressortleiterin Titelbild Der Spiegel
Kreativdirektorin bei Scholz & Friends Hamburg
Geschäftsleiterin Kreation der Scholz & Friends Schweiz AG in Zürich.
Vertretungsprofessorin Kommunikationsdesign und Werbung FH Mainz
Dozentin an der Hamburger und Berliner Technischen Kunstschule
Mitglied des Art Directors Club Deutschland
Jurymitglied Editorials Art Directors Club
The Waterskull
Managing Directress
viva with Agua ARTS
The Viva con Agua ARTS gGmbH was founded in 2016 as the third social business of Viva con Agua and supports the projects of the association with the organization of various events and art projects. Under the motto "ART CREATES WATER" we use the universal languages of art, music and sport to draw attention to the various national and international projects of VcA and to generate donations for their implementation.
In addition to the annual MILLERNTOR GALLERY, Viva con Agua uses ARTS
further playgrounds to transform artistic engagement into donations for our projects. From various exhibitions to high-quality art prints to the design of hotel rooms and facades, we are constantly developing new ways to fill our motto "ART CREATES WATER" with life.
The international art, music and culture festival is initiated by Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli eV and FC Sankt Pauli.
True to the motto "ART CREATES WATER" we transform art into donations for our projects. We inspire visitors to engage in social engagement through the universal languages of art, music and sport.
Every year, the Millerntor Stadium becomes an open platform for dialogue and exchange. Works of art of all genres as well as a diverse music, cultural and educational program show how everyone can positively shape the world. Numerous interaction options make the almost 17,000 visitors active participants in social change processes.
The Millerntor Gallery is a domestic project of Viva con Agua and contributes to our vision "Water for all - all for water".