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The international art, music and culture festival, initiated by Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli eV (VcA) and FC Sankt Pauli in Hamburg, uses the language of art to convey art in water and the visitors* according to the motto Art Creates Water. to transform people and cultural workers into participants in processes of social change.

Every year, the Millerntor Stadium, a well-established institution in the heart of the city, becomes an open platform for dialogue and exchange, where a heterogeneous audience meets on a local, international and intercultural level. Artistic works of all genres meet a diverse music, cultural and educational program and show the various possibilities of participating in a positive socio-ecological change. Over 250 volunteer supporters, numerous international artists and cultural workers as well as around 17,000 visitors become actors in civil society.

Under the title of the 9th Millerntor Gallery "Water is a Human Right" , the vision of VcA is to be brought into focus. The constantly growing possibilities of globalization and digitality simplify economic, political, cultural and intellectual networks, but this potential also comes with a responsibility; a duty to look beyond national borders and promote a global humanism. Let's use our current possibilities of innovation, creativity and technology to fight for human rights worldwide!

Water is a resource and an element that connects everything that can be used as a symbol to establish a transnational, origin-neutral and merciless solidarity with all inhabitants of the globe. Various genres of art come together under this theme during the four days of the festival, each interpreting this year's theme in an individual way.



Viva con Agua Arts (VcAA) is a social business of VcA and specializes in making a non-material and/or financial contribution to VcA's worldwide projects by organizing art, culture and music events. To date, VcA has been able to give more than 3 million people access to clean drinking water.


Drinking water and hygiene in the provinces of Cabo Delgado and Nampula.

In the rural areas of Mozambique, only 30% of the population have access to drinking water.

Merely 19% are able to use sanitations for instance pit latrines. Due to the lack of hygiene, approximately 90% of illnesses are caused.The water supply facilities are scare and population growth persists. Many quarters do not have access to drinking water at all.

The water supply needs to be more sustainable, enduring as well as extended. To reach that goal, municipal authorities are working closely together with local water committees along with private providers.

Cabo, Delgado and Nampula belonging to the provinces stating the highest risk of illness. 10% of the children in those provinces are dying before reaching their fifth year of life.

Regarding the assessment of the WHO, one fifth of the concerned infants die from diarrheas.

This leads to 10.700 infant deaths per year, only because of the absence of clean water and hygienic sanitary facilities.

Project Oratta


The MILLERNTOR GALLERY is not only a big art circus/ wild festival. It is initiated by

Viva con Agua with the motto ART CREATES WATER. The MILLERNTOR GALLERY uses the language of art to transform art into water and also to transform visitors and artists to participators of the social change process.

Every year all the revenues from the art sale are supporting the WASH-projects of VcA.

Annually our team visits the projects on the spot.  This year’s focus lays on the project in Mozambique.

Project Oratta means drinking water and hygiene in the provinces of Cabo Delago and Nampula – Viva con Agua Switzerland has been supporting this Helvetas-managed project in the North of Mozambique since 2015. The goal of the project is to significantly improve the living situations for 175,000 people until 2021. Viva con Agua supports the WASH activities with 90.000, - EUR per year.

Around the world water day 2019 (22nd of March), a group of participants from Viva con Agua Switzerland and Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V. as well as from Viva con Agua Arts (Millerntor Gallery) visited the capital Maputo.

The co-founder of the local group Viva con Agua Mozambique, Biché Carimo states: "Together we visited a school in Maputo and played Football 4 WASH with the kids. The universal language football is used in many ways to learn and convey interactively how important and interesting water as well as sanitation and hygiene can be. In the future we are looking forward to deepen the concept within many more schools around Maputo!”

In addition, the project in the north of Mozambique was also visited. There, the Swiss organization Helvetas implements WASH projects (water, sanitation, hygiene) together with local partner organization's.

"Helvetas is a very competent and reliable project partner with years of experience in the country. So far, the cooperation with Viva con Agua Switzerland has been going great so far – because of that, we are happy to be able to promote even more potential,” says Christian Wiebe, founding member of Viva con Agua and responsible for coordinating of water projects.

A close cooperation with the local community and administration is an important factor driving the project.

Through for instance, involving the local WASH committees, in which dedicated members of the community are interested, the community will more likely perceive this project as one of their own. The WASH committee president in Nachere Camina Silva emphasizes: "It is extremely important to raise awareness in the community about sanitation and hygiene. Therefore we are visiting the families as a group and explain the connections to health". The use of music, dance and theatre has a particularly positive effect and shows the connection with Viva con Agua.

A shadow was cast on the journey around the 15 March 2019, when Cyclone Idai hit the coast and wreaked major destruction. The consequences of these natural disasters will be noticeable in Mozambique for the next few years. The cyclone did not reach the project regions of Viva con Agua. Our sympathy goes out to all those who were affected and we would like to thank all the organisations and people who have been working since then for (emergency) help on the ground: Thank you for your work!


Viva con Agua,  have strengthened the decision to support long-term water projects in the north of the country - even though these areas were not affected by the cyclone. We are convinced that positive activism and commitment are needed right now to give people permanent access to clean drinking water. Especially with Viva con Agua Mozambique and the mobilisation of more people for the topic of drinking water. That's why we dance life with the universal languages of music, sports and art - and together with Viva con Agua Mozambique we create such a positive future!






Improves the living conditions of 175,000 people


of the population

Only approx. 30% of the population have access to clean drinking water



Viva con Agua collects about 90.000 € annually for the water project.



Facilitates project management training for a water committee.




Project goals

The population in 80 neighborhoods and suburbs has access to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities.

The authorities, companies and committees in the water supply and sanitation sector are empowered to provide sustainable and high-quality services.

The general conditions in the area of water supply and sanitation have improved.

Target groups

A total of 175,000 people in the 6 districts of the Cabo Delgado and Nampula provinces in northern Mozambique are benefiting from improved services related to the existing water supply systems and from better hygiene provided by the trained authorities, enterprises, craftsmen and water committees.

25,000 people will gain access to clean drinking water through four new small-scale water systems in peri-urban areas under the project. 40,000 people have optimised latrines.

500 local water committees benefit from the improved services of the trained tradesman/woman, private operators and the competent district authorities.

10 private operators (50 employees), 6 tradesman associations (90 members), 6 district authorities responsible for settlement planning and infrastructure benefit from the training and further education.


The project builds upon the experience of various previous projects. The first phase of the current Oratta project focused on water supplies in small towns. In four district capitals 4 new water supply systems were built. More than 40,000 people are now supplied with clean drinking water, 7,000 of them now have access to clean water. All new water systems cover their maintenance costs with water tariffs. Sanitation has improved enormously in the project areas. By the end of the second phase (2021), the following results, among others, are expected:

4 small water supply systems are built or extended.

6 campaigns regarding change behaviour with reference to hygiene have been successfully implemented in 6 districts.

80 settlements and neighbourhoods have been declared as Open Defecation Free (no more need to take business outdoors).

The water offices of the 6 districts have received in-depth training in WASH systems.

10 operating companies are trained and assisted.

90 small companies and craft enterprises are trained.